Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week Two: Decaying Matter Leaves Life with Low Hopes

Life in the MicroAquarium has spread away from the Plant B bulbs, yet there are many pieces of decaying plant. Around a certain piece of decaying matter hosts hundreds of protizoa. I assume that this particular clump contains many of the necessary nutrients for bacteria and micro-organisms. There is still limited life around Plant A. However, air bubbles have been trapped within the plant showing that it may still be producing oxygen.

Throughout the MicroAquarium are hundreds of rod-like diatoms (thought to be
Thalassionema nitzschoides) and a few scattered rectangular diatoms. There are also A LOT of large, stranded colonies in the bottom sediment. I assume it to be composed of either bacteria or diatoms, but they are too small to tell at the moment. Hopefully I will be able to gather further information as they grow. Protizoa are also feeding off the decaying matter in the bottom sediment. Within the groups of bacteria, there seem to be a lot of Tachysoma (one of which is posted). The contractile vacuole, which gives it its pulsing motion, is visible.

Overall, there is still not much life, only increasing amounts of decaying matter. Hopefully, an increase in the decay will cause in increase in life. . . but we can only hope.

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